Friday, July 23, 2010

An evening at the beach

Last Thursday, I took the kids and two of their older cousins to the beach. My niece and I wanted to photograph the sunset but the clouds were so thick in the horizon that you could barely see the sun.

Since there was no interesting sunset to photgraph, I took pictures of the horizon and the sky which had some interesting cloud formation.

My niece took many more pictures of the kids playing on the beach than I did. The few that I took did not turn out as well as those taken by my niece. I mostly used my wide angle lens from a distance, so the pictures that had the kids in them did not have them as the main focus.

There's a resort right smack in the rain forest not far from here that we hope to go to once Doug arrives. My niece and I are already imagining the things that we would like to photograph - the waterfalls, the critters in the forest .... !


  1. The kids will definitely enjoy the beaches. Whoever took those pictures, they are great pictures.

  2. The kids indeed had a great time. Duncan refused to leave!

    Glad you like the pictures! I took them. My niece took some really great pictures too, especially of the kids. Her camera is a lot fancier than mine! :-P


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