You are invited to our
Second Annual Camel-Cookie Gift Night
on Saturday, December 3rd, at 5.30 pm
at the Carr's home on xxxxx Ave, Galt
What to bring: Cookies to Exchange and
a donation towards a camel for a family through World Vision
Whay a camel during the Christmas holidays?
"Families in desert regions can depend on the remarkable camel
for almost everything.Camels carry loads of up to 1,000 pounds
and can travelfive days without food or water.Their rich milk is
made into nutritious cheeseand their hair is woven into durable
cloth. Over its 40 years life span, one ofthese relaible, hardworking
animlas candramatically improve life ofa poor family?" Think
of it as a refrigerated SUV for thedesert, only much,
much cheaper! www.worldvisionsgifts.org
We will also be making simple jewelry with the help of Puteri that
you can take home with you along with a sampling of everyone's cookies!
Please RSVP Kathy Carr at xxxxx
Thank you!
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