I was pleasantly surprised! My name Puteri came up second, third, fourth and fifth after the TV drama of the same name in the Google Search. Not bad at all and three of my blogs appeared in the top searches. One other blog appeared on the second page.

One post I did yesterday and one post I did today appeared on the top search. That is good news indeed because that means I did something right with my webmaster's tools! :-) I am glad that even with the new URL Puteri's Musings still appeared at the top of all my blogs on the search engine.
I have to remind Doug again about getting that custom plate for me! The application can be done online, and he keeps forgetting to do it!
Here's Zainal Abidin singing Puteri. Not about me, of course! Heheh, I wished!
Puteri, Congrats! I had just bought my own domain name too, thanks to your suggestion.
ReplyDeleteCongrats... I have to get my own domain when I have time... Definately now... Hehe. Eh, will you help me if I have problem?
Sure, Cat, any time if you need help.
ReplyDeleteSee Hooi Imm did it all by herself!
I know... I just visited Hooi Imm's blog and was very impressed... I nak buat jugak lah Puteri... Can I ask a favour from you? Can you send me an email and teach me how to do that?
Thanks Cikgu!
Wow..Best eh :) hehehe..Congrats laban nuan came up as top 5 dalam list search engine.Dah nyadi cikgu aka webmaster diatu?
ReplyDeleteHehe, Pat, konon aja lah nyadi webmaster! Laku endar ga nama Puteri nya ba search engine .. cukup macam puteri bisi ba internet! Puji Tuhan, enggi aku pansut ba top 6. Bisi ga link bukai ngagai blog bukai aku ba page 2 and further. Cat nya minta tulong nukar domain name.
ReplyDeleteOkay,okay, I brought the DMV information to work today for your custom license plate. I'll get to work on it.
My rank droppedfrom 2 to 0 and it seems to stuck at 2 forever! I didn't know what went wrong and this rally upsets me. I don't get work on PPP or from other advertisers no more :( And the fact that I have to share my page with 'Frankenstein'does not help at all...
ReplyDeleteWhat happened?
Can you help me too? I need to get my own domain. What can I do?
Frankensteina, your PR is now zero because you and I do paid posts! So geram! Google punished us .. paid post is the same as paid link! Grr! I have other blogs with PR2 so that help.
ReplyDeleteDo you want to buy your own domain? I suggest you buy it at godaddy.com
If you need further help let me know. Though this link is most helpful. I learned to make the changing thru this bloke's tutorial.
You need further help, let me know, I can help.
Thanks Puteri :) its just so frustrating. But isn't PPP under Google?
ReplyDeleteNo, PPP is not under Google.
ReplyDeleteBlogger is owned by Google, and so is YouTube and who knows what else!
Yes, I am frustrated as hell too! Imagine those with PR 5 dropped to zero?! Even more frustrating for them!
I don't know if my new blogs with PR 2 will drop to zero too the next time Google does the ranking thing, because I am now doing PPP with them! Three of them! :-(
Oh no wonder
I'm buying my own domain though I'm still very unclear about how to change my blogspot to my own .com domain.
Is it ok if I e-mail you to ask a few things? May I have your e-mail addy? :)
Hope I'm not bugging you with this, sorry.
Make sure you buy it from godaddy.com because I know how to do it from there only. I bought my domain names from them.
ReplyDeleteMy email: im_puteri at yahoo.com You know know how it should look like, right? :-) Yes, I'll show how how to switch your blogspot account to your own custom domain name.